Content with term: European union Press releases collective bargaining European union gender equality income EU Court: Lack of overtime compensation for part-time workers is against the Directive on Part-Time Work – PAM wants to rectify the situation in the collective agreement negotiations 20.1.2025 News European union hotel and restaurant industry international cooperation Annika Rönni-Sällinen was elected new President of EFFAT 3.12.2024 News European union Platform economy EU directive to improve the working conditions of food couriers and other platform workers 14.3.2024 Articles European union gender equality occupational safety politics Making the voice of service workers heard in the European Union 1.12.2023 collective bargaining system European union Finland’s sectoral bargaining is an inspiration abroad while undermined at home 16.10.2023
Press releases collective bargaining European union gender equality income EU Court: Lack of overtime compensation for part-time workers is against the Directive on Part-Time Work – PAM wants to rectify the situation in the collective agreement negotiations 20.1.2025
News European union hotel and restaurant industry international cooperation Annika Rönni-Sällinen was elected new President of EFFAT 3.12.2024
News European union Platform economy EU directive to improve the working conditions of food couriers and other platform workers 14.3.2024
Articles European union gender equality occupational safety politics Making the voice of service workers heard in the European Union 1.12.2023
collective bargaining system European union Finland’s sectoral bargaining is an inspiration abroad while undermined at home 16.10.2023