Home » In society » PAM influences society » Training and competence development Training and competence development New skills and more competence are needed in jobs in the service industries as digitalisation and the green transition shape working life and the labour market. In this transformation of work, success for workers in the service sectors is ensured by high-quality training and flexible opportunities for career-long competence development. This also guarantees business success. PAM influences society Equal pay An equal and non-discriminatory workplace The working environment and health and safety at work Well-being at work The labour market and agreement models Industrial and economic policy Training and competence development Employment Social security Public services Meetings with policymakers Our goals Sufficient resources for high-quality vocational training Competence development for low-income workers during their careers Adequate basic skills, general education and working life skills We are in the middle of a dual transition in which two mutually supportive forces, digitalisation and the green transition, are shaping careers and the whole national economy. In the future, service professionals will work in a climate-friendly manner and will be better able to use the technology in creating the best possible service experience for customers. In the era of the dual transition, service professionals need extensive opportunities to update their knowledge and skills. Careers currently consist of several stages, and the need and ability to learn new things will only become stronger in the future. Workers must have the capabilities to adapt to change. The boundaries between professional and general education are becoming blurred, and interaction, knowledge acquisition and other generic skills, digital skills and general working life skills are increasingly needed in the world of work. The foundation for this is laid as early as in comprehensive school and in well-resourced high-quality vocational education. Investment in competence development for working-age people is also needed. Everyone must have the opportunity to proactively renew their skills to enable professional development, eligibility for new jobs and career progress. Competence development currently focuses on highly educated people with good wages, while people with jobs requiring a lower level of education and providing lower wages are excluded from continuous learning opportunities. Equality in education is at the core of PAM’s goals. In the future, employers must provide workers with equal opportunities for training, regardless of their educational background and position. There must be a sufficient supply of training suitable for working-age people. The subsidy system must also better support continuous learning opportunities for lower-income workers. Any questions? Contact our experts! Mikko Laakkonen koulutus- ja elinkeinopoliittinen asiantuntija, Ennakoiva työehtotoiminta -osasto mikko.laakkonen@pam.fi Koulutus-, osaamis- ja sivistyspolitiikka, elinkeinopolitiikka Yhteiskuntapoliittinen yksikkö Keskustoimisto
Mikko Laakkonen koulutus- ja elinkeinopoliittinen asiantuntija, Ennakoiva työehtotoiminta -osasto mikko.laakkonen@pam.fi Koulutus-, osaamis- ja sivistyspolitiikka, elinkeinopolitiikka Yhteiskuntapoliittinen yksikkö Keskustoimisto