Home » At the workplace » Union representative The union representative represents employees in the workplace The union representative helps members of PAM in all employment relationship matters in the workplace. The union representative negotiates, facilitates agreements and conveys information between employees and the employer. The representative is bound by a confidentiality obligation. At the workplace Information for employers Union representative Selecting a union representative Occupational safety and health representative European Works Council Having a union representative in the workplace serves everyone’s best interests! Employees and the employer can avoid many problems when they have a competent union representative in the workplace. Employees are provided with assistance in employment relationship matters. For the employer, the union representative is an expert partner. The union representative is elected by PAM members covered by the collective agreement applicable to the workplace. Duties of the union representative Provide employees with information about the benefits of PAM membership and events organised by PAM Monitor compliance with collective agreements and labour laws in the workplace Negotiate and agree with the employer on matters concerning employees Listen to and assist employees in employment relationship matters Ensure that employees are treated equally and fairly Contribute to the development of the workplace community Settle disagreements in negotiations between an employee and the employer. For example, an employee can request the union representative to be present when the termination of her or his employment is discussed with the employer Actively recruit new members Maintain industrial peace Convey information about PAM’s membership benefits and events in the workplace There are different kinds of union representatives Chief union representative Union representative Site-specific union representative Deputy chief union representative Deputy union representative Site-specific deputy union representative The trade union supports the union representative The union representative does not act alone. She or he is supported by their workplace community and experts at PAM. PAM offers training and advice to new and experienced union representatives PAM’s extensive network of union representatives provides peer support.Read more about training and work counselling for union representatives Interested in serving as a union representative? Are you a PAM member who wants to listen to and support your colleagues? Are you familiar with the day-to-day operations and conditions in your workplace and interested in developing them? Would you like to help your colleagues in employment matters? If so, become a candidate for the position of a union representative – it will benefit your entire workplace! Read more about selection of union representative Howspace platform for union representatives Howspace is a platform for union representatives. It contains materials and useful information. You can also network with other PAM union representatives. Enter Howspace here (in Finnish) The union representative is entitled to training, remuneration and paid time off for their duties The union representative is entitled to paid time off for taking care of her or his duties. Her or his remuneration varies between collective agreements. Remuneration and paid time off for union representatives in different sectors covered by collective agreements Alkon työehtosopimus Apteekin työehtosopimus Asiakaspalvelu- ja telemarkkinointialaa koskeva työehtosopimus Avecran junapalveluhenkilökunnan työehtosopimus Bingon työehtosopimus Elokuvateatterien työehtosopimus Golf-alan työehtosopimus Hiihtokeskusalan työehtosopimus Hiusalan työehtosopimus ja hiusalan työehdot Huvi-, teema- ja elämyspuistoja koskeva työehtosopimus Kaupan alan työehtosopimus Kaupan logistiikan esihenkilöiden työehtosopimus Kiinteistöpalvelualan työehtosopimus Kotitalouskone- ja kodintekniikkahuollon sekä palveluautomaattialan työehtosopimus Kuvanvalmistamoita koskeva työehtosopimus Matkailu-, ravintola- ja vapaa-ajan palveluita koskeva esimiesten työehtosopimus Matkailu-, ravintola- ja vapaa-ajanpalveluita koskevat liitesopimukset Matkailu-, ravintola- ja vapaa-ajan palveluita koskeva työntekijöiden työehtosopimus Muuttopalvelualan työehtosopimus Ohjelmapalvelualan työehtosopimus Suomen kansallisoopperan ja -baletin teknisten pienryhmien sekä teknisten esimiesten ja mestarien työehtosopimus Suomen kansallisteatterin tekniikkaa ja vastaavia koskeva työehtosopimus Vartiointialan työehtosopimus Veikkaus Oy:n työntekijöitä koskeva työehtosopimus Vähittäiskaupan esihenkilöiden työehtosopimus The union representative is also entitled to training. The unions have mutual training agreements that include local training for union representatives. Training agreements in different sectors covered by collective agreements Alkon työehtosopimus Apteekin työehtosopimus Asiakaspalvelu- ja telemarkkinointialaa koskeva työehtosopimus Avecran junapalveluhenkilökunnan työehtosopimus Bingon työehtosopimus (Noudatetaan keskusjärjestöjen sopimaa koulutussopimusta ETL-PAM) Elokuvateatterien työehtosopimus Golf-alan työehtosopimus Hiihtokeskusalan työehtosopimus Hiusalan työehtosopimus ja hiusalan työehdot Huvi-, teema- ja elämyspuistoja koskeva työehtosopimus Kaupan alan työehtosopimus Kaupan logistiikan esihenkilöiden työehtosopimus Kiinteistöpalvelualan työehtosopimus Kotitalouskone- ja kodintekniikkahuollon sekä palveluautomaattialan työehtosopimus(Noudatetaan keskusjärjestöjen sopimaa koulutussopimusta ETL-PAM) Kuvanvalmistamoita koskeva työehtosopimus(Noudatetaan koulutussopimusta PALTA/PAM) Matkailu-, ravintola- ja vapaa-ajan palveluita koskeva esimiesten työehtosopimus Matkailu-, ravintola- ja vapaa-ajanpalveluita koskevat liitesopimukset Matkailu-, ravintola- ja vapaa-ajan palveluita koskeva työntekijöiden työehtosopimus Muuttopalvelualan työehtosopimus Ohjelmapalvelualan työehtosopimus Suomen kansallisoopperan ja -baletin teknisten pienryhmien sekä teknisten esimiesten ja mestarien työehtosopimus Suomen kansallisteatterin tekniikkaa ja vastaavia koskeva työehtosopimus Vartiointialan työehtosopimus Veikkaus Oy:n työntekijöitä koskeva työehtosopimus Vähittäiskaupan esihenkilöiden työehtosopimus Frequently asked questions about union representatives What does a union representative do? The union representative represents members of PAM in the workplace. She or he further develops the workplace in cooperation with employees who are members of PAM and provide advice and help in employment relationship matters. The union representative conveys information and informs employees about PAM membership. Who can become a union representative? Any employee in the workplace who is a member of PAM can be elected as a union representative. Am I competent enough to serve as a union representative? A union representative doesn’t need to be superhuman and aware of all the complicated details of working life. PAM provides training to all union representatives and supports their work in the workplace. Useful links Occupational Safety and Health Administration in Finland:Occupational health and safety representative Act on Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement and Cooperation on Occupational Safety and Health at Workplaces (44/2006)