Home » At the workplace » European Works Council European Works Council (EWC) A European Works Council is a group of representatives elected by employees. In cooperation with the company’s management, these representatives participate in dealing with employee matters. EWC activities strengthen employee collaboration across Europe. Notify PAM of EWC-representation At the workplace Information for employers Union representative Occupational safety and health representative European Works Council European Works Councils are involved in statutory collaboration between companies and their employees in the EU/EEA. An EWC is therefore a worker’s body. It’s a meeting place for representatives of employees in multinational companies where the representatives have the right to be informed and consulted at least in matters specified in the law. An EWC must be established if a company has at least 1,000 employees in the EU/EEA and 150 employees in at least two EU/EEA countries. The employees’ representatives and the company’s management enter into an agreement on European-level collaboration. The agreement determines the common rules for this collaboration. An EWC agreementis made in accordance with the laws of the country where the company has its head office. The council consists of employee representatives elected from all the EU/EEA countries where the company has employees. An EWC representative has rights and obligations similar to those of union representatives and occupational safety representatives in accordance with the laws of each country. More than 200 companies operating in Finland have an EWC. In service sectors, these include such companies as L&T, Fazer, Compass Group, Sodexo, Scandic Hotels, Nordic Choice Hotels, SSP, H&M, Ikea, Inditex, ISS, Nokas Avarn and Securitas. Is an EWC discussed at you company? We recommend that you contact PAM as soon as there’s talk of establishing an EWC at your company. Contact our expert Tiina Huotari kansainvälisten asioiden asiantuntija, Ennakoiva työehtotoiminta -osasto tiina.huotari@pam.fi EU-asiat, pohjoismainen yhteistyö, EWC-asiat Yhteiskuntapoliittinen yksikkö Keskustoimisto Guide for PAM members serving as EWC representatives Have you been elected as the EWC representative for your workplace? We have a guide for PAM members serving as EWC-representatives. Download guide for EWC representatives (pdf in Finnish) Notify us if you are serving as an EWC representative Tehtävä/Uppdrag/Task(Required) EWC-edustaja/rep./representative EWC-varaedustaja/ers./deputy Tehtävä alkaa/Uppdraget inleds/Task starting from MM slash DD slash YYYY Tehtävä päättyy/Uppdraget avslutas/Task ending MM slash DD slash YYYY Nimi / Namn / Name(Required)Jäsennumero / Medlemsnummer / Membership numberSähköposti / E-post / Email(Required) Puhelinnumero / Telefon / TelephoneYrityksen virallinen nimi / Företagets officiella namn / Official name of companyY-tunnus / FO-nummer / Y-numberToimipaikan tai työskentelyalueen nimi / Namnet på filialen / Name of the chief shop stewardTyöpaikan työntekijöiden lukumäärä / Antalet arbetstagare på arbetsplatsen / Number of employees at the workplace Further reading Database and statistics on EWC agreements PAM is international Last updated: 14.09.2023
Tiina Huotari kansainvälisten asioiden asiantuntija, Ennakoiva työehtotoiminta -osasto tiina.huotari@pam.fi EU-asiat, pohjoismainen yhteistyö, EWC-asiat Yhteiskuntapoliittinen yksikkö Keskustoimisto