Home » Turva Turva Last updated: 20.05.2024 Turva Full-service customer benefits from Turva Insurance Turva offers PAM members a 10% discount on voluntary, continuous insurance. If you have at least one personal, traffic, pet or boat insurance policy in addition to Turva home insurance, you will also get a 10% owner discount. If you only have one insurance policy, you will receive an owner discount after two years as a Turva customer. These discounts do not apply to third-party liability insurance. Read more about members’ benefits on our website www.turva.fi/pam.Please also remember Turva’s appointment service where you can reach Turva experts using the channel of your choice and at a time that suits you. You can book an appointment here. Insurance for trade union members from Turva Trade union members and their families can benefit from special, competitively priced comprehensive motor vehicle insurance cover. It includes, amongst other things, bonus protection, meaning that subsequent collision damage does not reduce your bonus. Live in the here and now – protect your loved ones with a new and inexpensive life insurance policy Turvassa life insurance is a new life insurance policy that is also inexpensive, especially for PAM members: only €7.05/month (Price example 2021: 30-year-old PAM member, compensation of €100,000). Turvassa life insurance is provided by LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company. See for yourself at turva.fi/henkivakuutus In PAM organisational tasks and events, as a union member you are covered our Association Insurance. Read more. Benefit for unemployed or laid-off members If you become unemployed or are laid off, Turva is flexible with insurance premium payments. On request, the insurance company grants unemployed or laid-off union members a six-week interest-free additional payment period for insurance premiums. To get more time to pay, Turva customers who become unemployed or are laid off should contact Turva’s customer service when they get their invoice to get further instructions. Contact information: turva.fi/yhteystiedot More information on insurance policies and membership benefits from Turva’s customer service 01019 5110 weekdays 8 am-6 pm, e-mail asiakaspalvelu@turva.fi tai www.turva.fi/pam. Contact information Hakaniemenranta 1 A, 00531 Helsinki01019 5110 turva.fi Similar benefits Benefit Insurance Kaleva (If)