Home » Guide to working life » Changes in life » Looking for a new job? Last updated: 09.07.2024 Are your looking for a new job in service sector? Changes in life Looking for a new job? Rules of job interviews Pregnancy and employment Coming to Finland for work Going to study! New worker in services sector Unemployed? Starting at a new job Self-employment Retirement How to prepare for a job interview – Instructions for jobseekers You should prepare carefully for a job interview. When you do the preliminary work properly, you will be more relaxed and feel more confident. Employers use an interview to determine the job applicant’s competences and suitability for the available job. The purpose of the interview is to ensure that the image of the person formed based on the job application is correct. The interviewer is interested in what you are like as a person, what kind of interaction skills you have, and whether you are genuinely interested in the job you are applying for. Prepare for an interview with these tips! Read the job advertisement and your application once more to make sure that you remember what you are applying for. Get to know the employer company through its website, for example. You should know what kind of company you are applying for a job at. At the same time, knowing the basics shows that you are interested in the job. Review your strengths and think about how to introduce yourself. Think about what you could be asked, and how you would answer the questions. Think about what you could ask about the company and your future job. Take your school and work certificates with you. Finally, ask how the application process will continue. Be open and relaxed about the job interview – be yourself! You do not need to answer all questions Employers do not have the right to ask any kind of questions in a job interview. These include questions related to your Religion Family relations Sexual orientation Political conviction. Read more about the rules of a job interview PAM’s career services offer a boost to your job search PAM’s career services are free for PAM members. See more about personal coaching and job vacancies in the service sector. See also Summer job checklist Jobs in the service sector On PAM’s job site you’ll easily find job openings in your sector. You can sort the search results, for example based on location, profession, type of employment or company. Go to job site What did you think of this content? Reaktio(Required) This was useful I really liked this content I did not understand This was not useful Comment (optional)