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Last updated: 17.08.2023

The notice period depends on the duration of the employment relationship

The notice period (irtisanomisaika) in an employment relationship depends on how long the employment relationship has continued. The longer the employment relationship, the longer the period of notice. It also depends on which party decides to terminate the employment relationship: the employer or the employee.

The Employment Contract Act determines the notice periods. The trade union (PAM) representing the employees and the employer organisations may also agree otherwise in collective agreements. If sector-specific collective agreements provide for notice periods, they must be followed.  

Statutory notice periods or notice periods specified in collective agreements do not apply if the employee has a fixed-term employment contract (linkki > työsuhde /erilaiset työsuhteen muodot). A fixed-term contract is binding on both the employee and the employer and does not need to be terminated separately. It ends when the period of time specified in the employment agreement expires. 

General notice periods 

When the employer wants to terminate the employment relationship, the notice period is:  

  • 14 days if the employment relationship has continued for no more than a year 
  • 1 month if the employment relationship has continued for 1–4 years 
  • 2 months if the employment relationship has continued for 4–8 years 
  • 4 months if the employment relationship has continued for 8–12 years 
  • 6 months if the employment relationship has continued for more than 12 years 

When the worker wants to terminate the employment relationship, the notice period is: 

  • 14 days if the employment relationship has continued for 0–5 years 
  • 1 month if the employment relationship has continued for more than 5 years 

Termination during the trial period 

During the trial period, the employer and the worker may terminate the employment relationship with immediate effect. The termination of employment during the trial period may not be based on a discriminatory or inappropriate reason such as age, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, trade union activity, political activity or a reason comparable to these. 

Read more about termination of employment during the trial period.

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