Home » Guide to working life » Occupational health and safety » Well-being at work » KIILA rehabilitation Last updated: 27.06.2023 KIILA rehabilitation – well-being for workers KIILA rehabilitation, formerly TYK rehabilitation, is a type of vocational rehabilitation that supports work ability and functional ability. KIILA rehabilitation is funded by Kela and free of charge for participants. Occupational health and safety Working environment Health and safety in the workplace Harassment and inappropriate treatment Equality in the workplace Well-being at work Drug tests Partial disability Occupational diseases KIILA rehabilitation Workplace health promotion Older workers Workloads and stress Workplace atmosphere Early support model Occupational healthcare Occupational accident The purpose of KIILA rehabilitation is to improve and support the rehabilitee’s work ability and continued employment. During rehabilitation, the rehabilitee learns ways to manage their work ability and improve their mental and physical stamina. KIILA rehabilitation is organised in cooperation with the occupational health service and the workplace. Rehabilitation must be started early enough to ensure continued employment. KIILA rehabilitation includes both individual and group courses KIILA courses promote the rehabilitee’s health, improve their life management skills, and provide advice on good working practices, health, exercise, stress management, and other topics related to coping and well-being. Meeting the targets set for rehabilitation requires active participation from the rehabilitee both during and outside of the courses. Rehabilitation components assessment of the rehabilitee’s situation group periods individual period wrap-up period. In total, KIILA rehabilitation takes between 12 and 18 months. The content and supervision of KIILA rehabilitation are managed by a working group that includes a physician, physiotherapist, psychologist, working life expert, and social worker. Other professional may be included, if necessary. A personalised rehabilitation plan is prepared for every rehabilitee. The plan’s content is decided at the start during the rehabilitee’s individual assessment. KIILA courses have a maximum of eight participants. Read more about KIILA courses on the Kela website. Who pays the worker during rehabilitation? If rehabilitation prevents gainful employment entirely, workers receive rehabilitation allowance from Kela. Partial rehabilitation allowance can be paid to workers whose working hours have been reduced to at least 40 per cent of their normal daily hours. The rehabilitation allowance is based on the worker’s annual income. Read more about the allowance on the Kela website. Some employers continue to pay their workers during rehabilitation, in which case the Kela rehabilitation allowance is paid to the employer instead. Ask your employer about your workplace’s policy. In addition, Kela also reimburses travel costs that exceed the minimum paid by the rehabilitee. The minimum deduction is €25 per one-way trip. Read more on the Kela website. PAM compensates its members for lost income for the PAM rehabilitation course’s deductible day. Application form with instructions. Who is eligible for KIILA rehabilitation? KIILA courses are a form of preventive rehabilitation. You can apply for KIILA rehabilitation while you are still in reasonably good shape. For example, if you have symptoms of health issues that may weaken your future work ability, this may be enough to qualify for KIILA rehabilitation. KIILA rehabilitation is intended for: workers in a permanent, temporary, or recurring employment relationship workers whose work ability is impaired by an injury or illness that is estimated to compromise their work ability and continued employment in the next few years workers whose need and potential for rehabilitation have been reviewed by their employer or occupational health service. How to apply for KIILA rehabilitation? Before applying for KIILA rehabilitation, you must request a “B statement” (B-lääkärinlausunto) from your occupational health physician or personal physician (in case of no occupational health service) that explains your need for rehabilitation. You must then submit the rehabilitation application form, KU 101 (pdf), available on the Kela website. You also need to submit the vocational statement for KIILA rehabilitation, KU 200 (pdf), available on the Kela website. You need your supervisor for this statement. You can submit the forms through Kela’s online OmaKela service. Attach your vocational statement and B statement. Remember to indicate the name and number of the KIILA course you wish to attend. Rehabilitees are selected from the qualifying applications in the order they were received. You can also submit the forms by mail: Kela, PL 10, 0056 KELA. KIILA rehabilitation courses are listed online by Kela Find the right KIILA course for you on the Kela website and submit your application. For more information about KIILA courses, you can contact PAM’s socio-political specialist Egezona “Oona” Kllokoqi-Bublaku: egezona.kllokoqi-bublaku@pam.fi, +358 20 774 2099. What did you think of this content? Reaktio(Required) This was useful I really liked this content I did not understand This was not useful Comment (optional)