Hyppää sisältöön

Basic course for health and safety representative

3.12. 9:00 - 5.12. 16:00
Kiljavan opisto, Kotorannantie 49

This course is intended for people whose mother language is other than Finnish.

The course is intended for representatives working in occupational health and safety tasks at workplaces, especially for new ones.

The aim of the course is to find out the basic information related to occupational health and safety and to become familiar with the regulations governing the operation. The course introduces the occupational safety and health organization and the tasks and roles of the occupational safety and health personnel. The course also provides basic information about the interaction between work and health and work-related stress factors.

Key contents:

• basic concepts of occupational health and safety, areas of operation, goals
• duties, rights and obligations of persons working in occupational health and safety duties
• the main principles of legislation regulating occupational health and safety
• proactive occupational health and safety activities and hazard assessment
• accident thinking and follow-up
• work and work environment load factors
• the principles of solving the occupational health and safety problem
• occupational well-being in the workplace
• industry specific questions.

IMPORTANT! Registration for Kiljava’s college courses is always done through PAM. Fill out the course application https://kio.fi/kursseille-hakeminen/ and send it to kolutus@pam.fi. We check and deliver the application to Kiljava.


3 days 3.12.-5.12.2024
Tapahtuman luonne
Järjestöosaaminen, Luottamusmiesten osaaminen, Työelämäosaaminen
Kiljavan opisto, Kotorannantie 49
kiljavan_opisto@kio.fi, koulutus@pam.fi
Kiljavan opisto
